NOTICE: St. Therese is now taking all registration information and tuition payments in the main office.
Please call Janeel Valdez at 719 561-1121 and she will assist you with all registration forms and tuition matters.
Thank you.
FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADES (Grammar and beginning of Logic stage)
In the Fourth and Fifth Grades students continue to be provided abundant opportunities to read. We develop and foster the desire to read by engaging the students in daily reading for pleasure, information, and as a major tool for learning in all subject areas. This desire is enhanced by Renaissance Learning and Accelerated Reader.
Fourth and Fifth Grade students demonstrate mastery of listening skills and apply those skills within an academic environment during class presentations, lectures and projects. Students are challenged to use their listening skills for a variety of purposes, and in a variety of venues.
Fourth and Fifth Grade students demonstrate their understanding of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Students continue to utilize these skills for a variety of purposes, especially learning. Students create poetry, engage in essay writing, and produce several quarterly projects. Students maintain a portfolio of all writing samples to demonstrate growth and proficiency.
Spelling and vocabulary activities are strengthened and broadened at this level.
Science texts apply “hands-on, minds-on” activities in class presentations and experiments. All fourth and fifth grade students will participate in enrichment activities such as the Science Olympiad or Science Fair.
Math in the fourth and fifth grades continues to develop procedural fluency with arithmetic computation, basic operations and estimation with expanded number sets. Students are also challenged to adapt their reasoning to different problem solving situations. Proportional logic is introduced at this time as well. Students continue to develop and apply their understanding of measurement, spatial reasoning, patterns, relations, data analysis, and algebraic reasoning.
The Social Studies program is designed for students to learn about the different regions, people, and landforms of the United States. Colorado History prepares students for a better understanding of Colorado’s history, cultures, symbols and landforms. Students discuss current events, read local newspapers, and complete historic journals. An activity that Fifth graders have done in past years is to participate in a “History Play”